An API For Your Finances
Help > API
Our API provides a flexible interface to personalize and customize your financial information. Read the documentation below and get started with sample code in Ruby, Python, PHP or Perl.
API documentation
API calls follow the format:
Valid values for command:
loginget a unique 'token' which must included on all future requests
transaction_addadd a transaction
transaction_editedit a transaction
transaction_deletedelete a transaction
upload_statementupload a bank or credit card statement
transactionslist of transactions
accountslist of accounts with balances
loanslist of your loans
tagslist of your transaction tags
budgetslist of your budgets
reminderslist of your reminders
groupslist of your groups
contactslist of your contacts

All commands, except the login command, must specify a token parameter returned by the login command in the event of a successful login.

The response element contains a status element which reports the status of the API call. If the call succeeded, it's content is OK, otherwise it is ERROR: [error_description].


This command only looks at POST parameters and discards GET parameters.

Before accessing any of the API commands, you must obtain a unique, ephemeral token by logging in to the API service.

On successful login, the command returns a token which must be included in all future API requests.

Login using email address and password
POST /api/login email=john@doe.com&password=dohdoh
See sample output



This command only looks at POST parameters and discards GET parameters.

The following parameters are accepted:

  • description
  • amount
  • accountId
  • fromAccountId
  • toAccountId
  • date: YYYY-MM-DD
  • tags: comma-separated tag names
  • type: expense | income | refund | payment | transfer | investment_buy | investment_sell | investment_dividend | capital_gain | capital_loss | sharedBill | paidForFriend | settlement | loan
  • status: cleared | pending
Parameters for type = sharedBill
  • payers: [{"email", "amount"}] JSON-formatted array
  • sharers: [{"email", "amount"}] JSON-formatted array
  • isEvenSplit: true | false
Parameters for type = loan
  • loanedBy: uid | email
  • borrowedBy: uid | email
Parameters for type = paidForFriend
  • paidBy: uid | email
  • paidFor: uid | email
Got a pending paycheck for $4000 into bank account
POST /api/transaction_add description=Paycheck&type=income&amount=4000&status=pending
Loaned $8 to a friend for lunch
POST /api/transaction_add description=Loan&amount=8&type=loan&loanedBy=myself@email.com&borrowedBy=myfrield@email.com
Shared grocery bill with roommates
POST /api/transaction_add description=Grocery&amount=126&type=sharedBill&sharers=[{"email":"myself@email.com"},{"email":"roommate.1@email.com"},{"email":"roommate.2@email.com"}]&payers=[{"email":"myself@email.com","amount":100},{"email":"roommate.1@email.com","amount":26}]
See sample output



This command only looks at POST parameters and discards GET parameters.

The following parameters are accepted:

  • id
  • description
  • amount
  • accountId
  • fromAccountId
  • toAccountId
  • date: YYYY-MM-DD
  • tags: comma-separated tag names
  • type: income | expense | transfer | refund | sharedBill | paidForFriend | loan
  • status: cleared | pending
Parameters for type = sharedBill
  • payers: [{"email", "amount"}] JSON-formatted array
  • sharers: [{"email", "amount"}] JSON-formatted array
  • isEvenSplit: true | false
Parameters for type = loan
  • loanedBy: uid | email
  • borrowedBy: uid | email
Parameters for type = paidForFriend
  • paidBy: uid | email
  • paidFor: uid | email
Got a pending paycheck for $4000 into bank account
POST /api/transaction_edit id=18282&description=Paycheck&type=income&amount=4000&status=pending
Loaned $8 to a friend for lunch
POST /api/transaction_edit id=3281&description=Loan&amount=8&type=loan&loanedBy=myself@email.com&borrowedBy=myfrield@email.com
Shared grocery bill with roommates
POST /api/transaction_edit id=28329&description=Grocery&amount=126&type=sharedBill&sharers=[{"email":"myself@email.com"},{"email":"roommate.1@email.com"},{"email":"roommate.2@email.com"}]&payers=[{"email":"myself@email.com","amount":100},{"email":"roommate.1@email.com","amount":26}]
See sample output



This command only looks at POST parameters and discards GET parameters.

The following parameters are accepted:

  • id
Delete a transaction by id
POST /api/transaction_delete id=18282
See sample output



This command only looks at POST parameters and discards GET parameters.


  • accountId
  • statement: the text of the statement to be uploaded
  • dateFormat: (optional) date format used in the statement (one of "MM/DD/YYYY" or "DD/MM/YYYY")

See sample output



You can restrict the set of transactions returned by specifying parameters. The permitted parameters are:

  • accountId OR accountName
  • tagId OR tagName
  • startDate AND endDate OR month: date can be specified as "10 feb 2008", or "2008-02-10". month can be specified as "feb08", "feb 08", or "feb 2008".
  • budgetId OR budgetName
  • contactId OR contactName
  • groupId OR groupName
  • status: pending | reconciled | cleared
  • page: paginate between results

Each call to this method returns at most 100 transactions matching the specified criteria. If there are more that 100 results, you can specify increasing values of the page parameter to page through the results.

Your most recent 100 transactions
GET /api/transactions
Previous 100 transactions
GET /api/transactions?page=2
Transactions for account 'Amex'
GET /api/transactions?accountName=Amex
Transactions for account id f32ade4
GET /api/transactions?accountId=f32ade4
Transactions for tag 'Grocery' for January 2008
GET /api/transactions?transactions?tagName=Grocery&month=jan08
See sample output


List of all your accounts
GET /api/accounts
See sample output


List of all your loans with friends
GET /api/loans
See sample output


List of all your tags
GET /api/tags
See sample output


List of all your budgets
GET /api/budgets
See sample output


List of all your reminders
GET /api/reminders
See sample output


List of all your groups
GET /api/groups
See sample output


List of all your contacts
GET /api/contacts
See sample output


Sample Code

You can get started with some sample code in some of the popular languages listed below. Each sample program logs in and retrieves the login token, downloads the list of your budgets, and prints the name, spending limit and available balance for the budget for the current period.

Financial information is sensitive and so special care must be taken to make sure it is not inadvertently leaked in any way due to the use of Buxfer's API.
Buxfer's responsibility
We take the following steps to make sure your data stays secure and private:
  • Requiring login tokens for API requests: In order to foil Cross site request forgery attacks (which all HTTP-Basic-auth based APIs are vulnerable to), we require all API requests to be accompanied with unique, ephemeral tokens which are impossible to forge.
  • Never store any sensitive data: We do not store your banking credentials, real-life names, phone numbers, addresses or anything that will even remotely identify you. The only thing we store is "description, date and amount" for your transactions.
  • 128-bit SSL: We use industry standard security channels so your data never gets exposed over the wire.
API client's responsibility
API clients must manage Buxfer passwords carefully, and must NOT store them in plain-text or in easily retrievable ways. Although Buxfer's API is RESTful and no state is maintained on the server, it is always recommended not to inadvertently expose any transaction information to external parties.